Support small businesses and shop local this holiday season!
We’re excited to be hosting two full weekends of small business holiday markets this December.
Saturday, Dec. 9 – Sunday, Dec. 10
Saturday, Dec. 16 – Sunday, Dec. 17
We’ve partnered with more than a dozen local small businesses to ensure your holiday shopping goes smoothly. Hand crafted, locally sourced, and made with love is the best way to share holiday cheer!
Black Market Soapery | @blackmarketsoapery
Bliss This House | @blissthishouse_ct
Bright Raven Studio | @brightravenstudio
Cocco the Great Designs | @coccothegreatdesigns
Crooked Soul Tattoo | @crookedsoultattoo
Dripavellis | @dripavellis
Flourish + Fern | @flourishandfern
Island of Misfit Crafters | @islandofmisfitcrafters
Kate Stephen Jewelry | @katestephenjewelry
Kelly’s Cricut Creations
Knots on Euclid | @knotsoneuclid
Lilac Collections | @lilaccollections7
Maribella Collections | @maribella_llc
Refugee Women’s Center
Small Deeds Studio |
Space Creative Healing | @spacecreativehealing
The Curious Creative | @myecreativespace
Sponsored by: Access Health CT Small Business
*With the purchase of an adult entrée from the same vendor.
View EventHave you been searching ways to add some flavor to your Tuesdays? Looking to prepare for the next Salsa Under the Stars? Come join our Salsa classes hosted by Joey Salsa Con Huertas from 6-9PM located in our Brick Room (under the stairs, near the elevator)! Cost: $10 collected at the door
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